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  • With respect to the heart, there is actually a specific disease, called Keshan disease, which can be prevented by increased intake of selenium.

    The World's Healthiest Foods 2010

  • These would be put to no base usage, Thutmekri hastened to explain to the suspicious chieftains; they would be placed in the temple of Zembabwei beside the squat gold idols of Dagon and Derketo, sacred guests in the holy shrine of the kingdom, to seal the covenant between Keshan and Zembabwei.

    The Conquering Sword of Conan Howard, Robert E. 2005

  • I was to tell them that an awful doom threatened Keshan if they did not agree to Thutmekri's proposals.

    The Conquering Sword of Conan Howard, Robert E. 2005

  • But these misty legends had been enough to bring Conan to Keshan, over vast distances of plain, river-laced jungle, and mountains.

    The Conquering Sword of Conan Howard, Robert E. 2005

  • His reckless ferocity impressed the lords of Keshan, already aware of his reputation as a leader of men, and the prospects seemed favourable.

    The Conquering Sword of Conan Howard, Robert E. 2005

  • Conan's fame had preceded him, even into distant Keshan; his exploits as a chief of the black corsairs, those wolves of the southern coasts, had made his name known, admired and feared throughout the black kingdoms.

    The Conquering Sword of Conan Howard, Robert E. 2005

  • But since he had turned his face toward Keshan so many myths had proven realities that he did not doubt that he would find some kind of image or god.

    The Conquering Sword of Conan Howard, Robert E. 2005

  • Punt would be invaded simultaneously from the east and the west, but the Zembabwans would see to it that the Keshani did most of the fighting and then, when both Punt and Keshan were exhausted from the struggle, the Zembabwans would crush both races, loot Keshan and take the treasure by force, if they had to destroy every building and torture every living human in the kingdom.

    The Conquering Sword of Conan Howard, Robert E. 2005

  • "It is the will of the gods that the Stygian and his Shemitish dogs be driven from Keshan!"

    The Conquering Sword of Conan Howard, Robert E. 2005

  • Thutmekri came to Keshan at the head of an embassy from Zembabwei.

    The Conquering Sword of Conan Howard, Robert E. 2005


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